Look, the pay you have held back from the workers who mowed your fields cries out against you, and the cries of the reapers have reached the ears of the Lord of hosts. James 5:4
Everyone likes a bargain. If you love to shop, and most do, there is probably a sense of euphoria that happens when you get a good deal. We live in a consumer society that has become driven by competition that drives prices down and sales up, allowing us to buy more than we otherwise would or could and perhaps even should.
Growing up, especially in the early years, I can remember our family being "heavily budgeted." We would value shop and bargain brand whenever possible. It was necessary, and it eventually became a mindset to spend the least and stretch the dollar to get the most. Even when there was no overabundance, my parents and grandparents always modeled sharing and generosity. We would take what we needed and share the rest.
After growing older and utilizing these principles to reach a place of stability and eventual abundance, I've learned that frugality and generosity can coexist and succeed within the same framework and when equally balanced, everyone wins. This is actually how we were created to live. In our quest to be frugal, we must not abuse others who are working hard to help us have what we need without considering if their needs are being met. This is the responsibility that comes with having and acquiring.
So when you're looking for that bargain in the business arena, or negotiating with that person at the market or the contractor working on your home, it is okay to reach a responsible price, but make sure you leave them with their dignity, and when all else fails, you will never go wrong erring on the side of generosity.