Wednesday, June 15, 2016

My Immeasurably More

“Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be the glory.” Ephesians 3:20

    The opportunity to do business in such a way that lives are restored, communities are transformed and Christ is made known has become my immeasurably more. This was the vision for LifeTotes. The dream a year ago was that one day we would grow into the ability to effect change in sustainable ways. We started where we were with what we had, which was mostly just ourselves, believing that He would take us where we were not and provide all we did not have.

                This year has been a year of growth in many ways. Over 30 families have been employed, a school has been built, a church has been planted, a medical clinic established, and a community organized with designated leadership established. Children have advanced in knowledge, men and women have gained life skills leading to gainful employment and a community has been utterly transformed. This is immeasurably more than we could have asked for, thought or imagined possible in such a short amount of time with so little resource.

 The Lord has taken what we had to offer, mainly ourselves over in service to others, and multiplied it just as he did for the disciples who offered over the loaves of bread and fish. The loaves of bread and fish were just an expression of what was happening in their hearts. When the Lord multiplied their offering and fed the 5,000 people with one sack lunch, the hearts of the disciples were expanded and grown. The real growth this year has been in our hearts as well.  Our relationships have grown, or borders have expanded, our understanding, compassion, humility, kindness and gentleness has grown.  LifeTotes is growing, but this is just the expression and overflow of what God is doing within each of us. My prayer is that no amount of growth experienced by this organization would be larger than the growth taking place within us.

Expand us oh God, enlarge the tent stakes of our hearts and then enlarge our borders.